Cătălin S. Rusu works as Associate Professor of European Law at Radboud University Nijmegen (The Netherlands), where he lectures on EU (Economic) Law, EU Competition Law, and EU Internal Market Law. He is also Visiting Professor of European Competition Law at the Faculty of Law of Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca.
Cătălin’s research focuses on the dynamic role that EU competition law & policy play in the Internal Market, the manner in which antitrust regulation adapts to the requirements of modern law-making, and the distinct approaches to competition law enforcement in different (European) jurisdictions.
He is the (co-)author/ editor of recent books and volumes, such as Digital Markets in the EU (2018), New Directions in Competition Law Enforcement (2020), and Competition Law in the EU: Principles, Substance, Enforcement (forthcoming 2021, Edward Elgar). Recently, Cătălin acted as Non-Governmental Advisor for the European Commission in the International Competition Network.
He also regularly consults on matters of (EU) competition law.